Venom is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with Spider-Man. The character is a sentient alien Symbiote with an amorphous, liquid-like form, who survives by bonding with a host, usually human. This dual-life form receives enhanced powers and usually refers to itself as "Venom". The Symbiote was originally introduced as a living alien costume in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May 1984), with a full first appearance as Venom in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988).
Product Specification
This item is offered to you in sizes ranging from small to 5xl. It’s manufactured to a high quality and is made using an air jet spun yarn for softer feel and no pill. With its 50% Cotton 50% polyester pre-shrunk material this hooded sweatshirt is hard wearing and easy to wash and dry..
- Air jet spun yarn for softer feel and no pill
- Double-lined hood with matching drawstring
- Twin needle stitching
- Pouch pocket
- Set-in sleeves
- 1 x 1 athletic rib with spandex
- Quarter-turned to eliminate centre crease
- 270g/m²