One Piece is a Japanese manga series.. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as "One Piece" in order to become the next Pirate King. This Mobile Cover Represents Nami.
This Mobile Cover is a TPU Plastic with Rubber edges cover for maximum mobile protection, printed at ANBRO2 Store Kuwait. This product is currently available for, but not limited to, the following mobile brands:
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 5.
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPhone 7
- iPhone 7 Plus
- Samsung Galaxy S4
- Samsung Galaxy S5
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
- SamsungGalaxy S6 Edge Plus
- Samsung Galaxy S7
- Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
- Samsung Galaxy S8
- Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus
- Samsung Note 4
- Samsung Note 5
- Samsung Note 7
You may check if this product is available for your mobile brand by checking the "mobile Brand" options in Product Page.
Product Specifications
- Cover Material: Plastic
- Cover Edge Material: Rubber Edges (for best protection)
- Print Method: Top Quality Heat Sublimation Printing
The rubber edges of this mobile cover ensures max protection and slip prevention.